Our Story

What We Believe

As a church, and as individual Christians, we want to honor God and honor His Word.  We take the Bible seriously and let it be the deciding factor in what we believe and how we behave.  With that aim, we read, study, and apply the scriptures as deeply and accurately as we can - yet with complete humility and grace, knowing that our understanding will never be complete and perfect.  You'll see this attitude and approach come to life in our lessons and sermons, and hopefully in our words and actions.

The following list includes but does not exhaust the core beliefs of Enterprise Boulevard Church of Christ, and has no authority apart form the Bible from which it is drawn.

  • All scripture is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
  • We believe that there is just one God (Ephesians 4:4-6)
  • We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23)
  • The penalty for sin is death, but there is eternal life in Christ (Romans 6:23)
  • The Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God; He died for our sins; and, God raised Him from the dead (John 3:16)
  • Salvation is found only in Christ Jesus (John 14:6)

The Enterprise Boulevard Church of Christ is a local, independent, non-denominational church with a long history and a bright future.  Our beliefs and practices are simple and straightforward - we just try to live and worship according to the Bible.

We want to be faithful Christians, nothing more and nothing less.

To be saved from our sins we must:
First hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ ( 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and Romans 10:14)
Second we must believe in Jesus Christ ( Mark 16:16)
Third we must repent of our sins ( 2 Corinthians 7:10 and Acts 2:38)
Fourth we must confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God ( Acts 8:35-38)
Fifth we must be baptized in order to be saved ( Mark 16:16, 1 Peter 3:20-21, Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16)

One of the interesting things about the churches of Christ, is that we actually have no written doctrinal statement, no set creed, no list of rules or "confession of faith" that you must ascribe to in order to belong.  Instead, we just open the Bible and read and do what it says - as well as we possibley can - day by day.

And it works!  Even though, like any church, we have differing opinions about some things, we are usually able to agree and are always able to get along - because, after all, we are family.  When something comes up, we discuss it, we look to the Bible for answers, and we love one another through it all.

What We Do

We try to adhere to a Biblical pattern of worship - we keep things fairly simple and straightforward.

For instance, we begin each Sunday morning by offering Bible-based classes for various ages with each class lasting about 35 minutes:

We currently have:

  • Four different adult classes
  • Six different children's classes according to age
  • A "youth" group for teens
  • A college group

After class, we come together for congregational singing, prayer, and communion.

We take up a collection to support the work and mission of the church (including a special collection for the poor on the first Sunday of each month).

Then, just before the sermon, we dismiss children ages 2 through 1st grade for "Kingdom Kids" - a special time of kid-focused teaching and worship.

Meanwhile, older children and adults enjoy an honest and applicable sermon, usually based around a particular passage of scripture.

At the end of the sermon, we will sing an "invitation song," which allows you a chance to respond publicly or privately, as needed.

After that, we're pretty much done - maybe a few announcements and another song - but you'll notice that a whole lot of us stick around to talk, hug, and laugh - what the Bible calls Christian "fellowship."

Enterprise Boulevard Church of Christ

Building Fellowship & Bettering Communities through the Gospel